学术报告:3D增材制造技术的机遇与应用 2018年4月28日(星期六)上午11:00-12:00 教学楼四号楼205室

发布时间:2018-04-23  浏览次数:


“Opportunities and Applications of 3D Additive Manufacturing”

报告人:魏军博士  新加坡科技研究局3D增材制造计划主任




3D Additive Manufacturing (AM) is defined by ASTM as the "The process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies”. Traditional manufacturing has fuelled the industrial revolution that has enabled our world today, yet it contains inherent limitations that point to the need for new approaches. Casting, forming, molding, and machining are complex processes that involve tooling, machinery, computers, and robots. The competitive advantages of 3D AM are geometrical freedom, shortened design to product time, reduction in process steps, mass customization and material flexibility. 3D AM simplifies the laborious process of producing complex parts while reducing cost. It is predisposed to industry sectors that require high mix, low volume parts or customised parts. This presentation will highlight the opportunities and applications of 3D additive manufacturing in a number of growing industry sectors including Aerospace, Transportation, Oil & Gas, Precision Engineering, MedTech, Electronics, Energy and Consumer. In addition, the 3D additive manufacturing research activities in A*STAR/ SIMTech will also be introduced.






魏军博士目前是新加坡制造技术研究院首席科学家,新加坡科技研究局3D增材制造计划主任,新加坡制造技术研究院大面积加工研究室主任, 新加坡制造技术研究院-南洋理工大学3D增材制造联合实验室主任, 新加坡制造技术研究院-新加坡国立大学大面积柔性混合电子联合实验室主任。魏军博士的研究领域包括3D增材制造技术,印刷功能器件,和低维材料。他在Chemical Society Reviews, Progress in Materials Science, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, JACS, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Small, Nanoscale, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology等国际主流杂志和一些重要国际会议上发表论文600余篇,它引1余次,同时也拥有五十多项发明专利, 并多次受邀于国际会议作大会特邀报告,目前是多个重要国际会议的主席和委员会委员。


联系人:程序 chengxu@buaa.edu.cn